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类型:美剧  地区:美国  年份:2023 
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《法官大人 第二季》剧情简介
Bryan Cranston stars as a New Orleans judge who is forced to confront his own deepest convictions when his son is involved in a hit and run that embroils an organized crime family. As a storm of vengeance, lies and deceit threatens to engulf the entire city, Michael Desiato faces a series of increasingly impossible choices and discovers just how far an honest man will go to sav...
  • 新闻编辑室 第一季


  • 雷普利

    安德鲁·斯科特,强尼·弗林,达科塔·范宁,毛里齐奥·隆巴迪,Pasquale Esposito,Franco Silvestri,可可·萨姆纳,Liz Tancredi,Angelo Faraci,洛伦佐·阿夸维瓦,丹·马泰乌奇,Massimo De Lorenzo,帕特里克·克莱因,Austin Green,Laurence Mazzoni,Iván Amaro Bullón

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    Lior Raz,Marina Maximilian Blumin

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  • 疑犯追踪 第一季


  • 性感野兽

    詹姆斯·麦卡德尔,埃蒙·埃利奥特,莎拉·格林,迈克尔·奥拜奥拉,西蒙娜·齐夫科夫斯卡,尼科拉·赖特,斯坦利·摩根,Megan Morgan,科林·梅斯,伊丽莎·班尼特,保罗·索恩利,约书亚·塞缪尔斯,索菲亚·拉·波塔,Sami Amber,Tara Divina,保罗·凯耶,史蒂芬·莫耶,塔姆辛·格雷格,希安·里斯-威廉姆斯,玛雅·西蒙森